The Grosse Kamp - A little Canada in Austria

Meandering through the rich countryside of Waldviertel in Lower Austria, the Grosse Kamp is a true gem of a river and one that I have been happy to fish at for many years. Wildside Fishing is extremely pleased to be able to offer exclusive access to a 7km stretch of 100% pure wild brown trout fishing at this amazing fishery. It has everything to offer from wonderful nymph fishing, classic dry fly fishing and heart stopping streamer fishing and all of it is 100% wild! It has been previously described as "a little slice of Canada in Lower Austria" by many who have visited it in the past and after experiencing it first hand I would beg anyone to differ. The fishing peaks from between the start of May and mid July with trout averaging round the 1lb size being common and fish of over 5lbs have been caught in recent years. Particular highlights of the season are the grannom hatch in early May, the large brook dun hatch in late May and the stonefly hatch in June. All three hatches offer simply amazing dry fly fishing and need to be seen to be believed. 


The Grosse Kamp is similar in nature to many lowland Scottish rivers as the water is slightly tannic with that lovely weak tea stain that brown trout love. There are long slow gliding pools, fast pocket water, deep runs and everything else that a fly angler could ask for in a diverse range of fishing possibilities. As for the trout:  big red spots with beautiful white rings, yellow bellies and massive tails are typically characteristic of the trout in the Kamp and they are among some of the last remaining 100% truly wild brown trout left in Lower Austria. 


The stretch of river is operated as a private fishery and has been carefully managed to suit the trout and the wildlife that live in the forest as well. Otters, beavers, wild boar, deer, pine martins, snakes of various types, european green lizards, fire salamanders and a huge range of bird life thrive in the surrounding woodland and most can be seen on a trip in the correct conditions.


For a better idea of what the river looks like you can also click on the following link that will take you to our award winning short film "Mermaids", which was filmed on location at the Kamp.


The Grosse Kamp offers a trout fishing experience that is unlike any other in the region of Lower Austria. Fishing at the Kamp with Wildside Fishing is limited to two anglers per day and only available between April and August.


PRICES (per day):

1 angler - 330 Euros

2 anglers - 500 Euros


An additional day ticket (60 Euros) is also required and can be purchased directly at the river.

(Please not that anglers must have a valid NÖ Fischerkarte or Gastkarte. The Gastkarte can be purchased for 18 Euros from most fishing shops or pre-arranged via Wildside Fishing)


All enquiries should be made to: